Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Novell commands to remember

I "grew up" using Novell networks and DOS, I used to be really good at managing Novell servers but I haven't touched a Novell server in quite a while; yesterday they were having problems with an old Novell server and they asked me for help, I couldn't remember some of the basic commands, so this post is for me to remember those commands later, and maybe you are so lucky that you may need these ones sometime

Server commands

  • server - at the DOS prompt, actually starts the server
  • restart server - bring the server down and restart immediately
  • VRepair - use it to correct volume problems (you can't use vrepair on a mounted volume), also use it to remove name space entries from directory entry tables
  • enable/disable login - to prevent users from logging in
  • mount - make a volume available to users (mount all to mount all volumes)
  • dismount - make a volume unavailable to users
  • volume - get a list of mounted volumes, or information about a volume (parameter)
  • down - take the server down (nicely)
  • load/unload monitor - load/unload the monitor (get the nice UI)
  • tcpcon - nice monitor with a bunch of information about TCP and other network protocols
  • display environment/processors/servers/networks / modified environments / interrupts -
  • list devices - gets a list of storage devices (disk drive, cd-rom, etc)
  • memory - displays total amount of installed memory that the operating system can address
  • mirror status - view status of mirrored disk partitions, view percentage of mirrored data on each partition
  • modules - get a list of loaded modules

Workstation commands

  • attach - connects to another server, but remains logged in to the current server
  • caston/castoff - enables/disables network messages from other workstations and the server if the ALL option is used
  • chkvol - shows volume information, free space, usage, deleted files, etc
  • login/logout - you get the idea
  • rights - display rights for files and directories
  • rconsole - remote console, to control a server from a workstation, if no server specified, a list is shown
  • purge - removes (previously deleted) files permanently, files purged can't be recovered
  • slist - list of servers
  • syscon - manage user, groups, rights, etc

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